The Power of Preparation

In the fast-paced world of junket interviews, preparation is often the key ingredient that separates a remarkable interview from a lackluster one. As someone who has witnessed and conducted countless interviews behind the scenes, I've observed a surprising trend—many talented actors and filmmakers often enter these sessions without adequate preparation. In this post, we'll delve into the significance of preparation, debunking the misconception that sheer talent alone can carry an interview. 

The Illusion of Spontaneity:
It's not uncommon for junket interviews to serve as a reunion for actors and filmmakers who haven't seen each other since production wrapped. Amid catching up and late-night conversations, it's easy to assume that facing a series of interviews the next day requires minimal effort. After all, they starred in the film, they know their castmates and director—how hard can it be to answer questions on the spot? Unfortunately, this assumption proves to be far from the truth. Without recent reflection and preparation, even the most talented individuals may struggle to provide thoughtful and engaging responses.

The Importance of Deep Reflection:
Actors and filmmakers lead busy lives, juggling multiple projects and commitments. Consequently, the role they played and the film they were a part of may not have been at the forefront of their minds in the midst of other endeavors. As a result, they may not have taken the time to delve deeply into their experience, motivations, and insights. Without such preparation, even the most renowned performers can find themselves ill-equipped to navigate the repetitive nature of junket interviews.

Preparation: A Common Practice:
In various fields, preparation is considered an essential prerequisite for success. A trial attorney wouldn't step into a courtroom without extensive preparation, and a surgeon wouldn't perform surgery without meticulous prepping. Just as soil is prepared before planting, interviews require thorough groundwork to yield fruitful results. In today's era of instant media sharing, where information is disseminated in real-time, the need for preparedness has become more crucial than ever. 

Harnessing the Power of Preparation:
By embracing the concept of preparation, interviews can transcend surface-level exchanges, enabling participants to share meaningful and insightful information. Preparation doesn't stifle spontaneity or authenticity—it serves as a guiding compass, empowering individuals to navigate interviews with confidence and purpose. When armed with well-prepared responses, one can engage in thoughtful conversations, leaving room to add spontaneity which in turn will leave a  lasting impression on both the interviewer and the audience.

In the realm of junket interviews, talent alone cannot compensate for a lack of preparation. By recognizing the significance of preparation and dedicating time to deep reflection, actors and filmmakers can elevate their interview game. Let us unlock the power of preparedness, enabling us to share information we are comfortable with and guiding us towards less superficial and more meaningful conversations. So, in your next interview, remember that preparation paves the way for a truly remarkable  exchange. Let’s face it, doing interviews requires time and energy, why not make your interviews well worth both.

— Suzanne


Mastering Paired Interviews: Finding Harmony in the Dynamic Duo


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