Mastering Paired Interviews: Finding Harmony in the Dynamic Duo

Paired interviews can be an energized experience, or they can pose unique challenges. In this post, we'll explore the art of navigating paired interviews, drawing parallels to the game of doubles tennis. With a little planning and a bit of natural banter, you can create a seamless and engaging duo interview that leaves your audiences wanting more!

Creating a Game Plan:
In singles matches, you can be assured the ball is coming to your side of the net, and you alone are responsible for returning it or putting it away. In doubles tennis, it's not so obvious who is responsible for getting to that ball. It's crucial to have a game plan with your partner before stepping onto the court (in your case, an interview situation). Take some time to have a pre-discussion with your interview partner. While you don't need to rehearse every line, it's helpful to toss questions back and forth, observe how you naturally respond, and find a rhythm that works for both of you. Establishing natural banter will provide a solid foundation, ensuring a smooth and effortless flow during the actual interviews.

Understanding Dynamics:
In any paired situation, it's common for one person to be more extroverted or have a higher energy level than the other. This can inadvertently lead to one person dominating the conversation, leaving the other with limited screen time. By spending  time together before the interviews, you are able to warm up, gauge the dynamics and make necessary adjustments. This proactive approach helps avoid unforced errors and, most importantly, prevents "poaching" (pun intended, couldn't resist).

Utilizing Interview Time Effectively:
By investing time in preparation you'll make the most of your interview slot. Each person's message will have an opportunity to shine, resulting in equal screen time and well-balanced interviews. This not only creates a smoother and more interesting experience for the audience, it also showcases the synergy between both individuals.

A well-executed duo interview captivates the audience. The natural banter and chemistry between you and your partner will draw viewers in, making the interview more memorable and certainly more fun for both of you!

— Suzanne


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