
Admittedly, I have been fortunate that all my media training sessions have been successful to date.

Sure...there are many contributing factors, however, there is one very significant element that leads to the success of media training.

The principal involved must WANT to take the time and be willing to commit to the process.

There are varying degrees of wanting. For example, “I am stressed by having to do interviews in general, in addition, my agent, publicist or studio recommended it, so I want to do it if they think I need it,”

Then there is knowing that there is room for improvement. “The project was shot many months ago, years ago and having someone to help me focus on the specifics of this project, to help me uncover information to share in my interviews will help me be better prepared.”

But what about the celebrated veteran in their field? How on earth could I possibly help them improve? Typically, we find their response to be, “The training was offered, and even if I only learn one new tool that will benefit me and help me grow, I’m in.”

And lastly, for the person who has zero experience in doing interviews because it’s either their first lead role, or the first project that is getting attention, how can we help them? Well, they are going to need and want to know what they’re in for, and they’re going to want to learn how to navigate the interviews and their new-found attention.

The reality is that I am only as successful as the participants, and they are as successful as they want to be, based on the time they invest in our sessions using the tools we create together. I couldn’t ask for better clients, they have proved to be wonderful in all ways...

— Suzanne


Having some stuff in your back pocket


You don’t have to fill the space.